If you work at a school and are looking for a school management system that will help better the educational experience of your students, we understand that it is not easy to choose the right one. No one wants to regret their decision later on.
So, that’s why we have come up with a list of all the wrong things one can go around doing that and how to avoid them!
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1. Not a Complete Solution for School Management
Not having a comprehensive school management system that manages the whole educational process is only doing things half way. Plus, it is considered a handicap, not a good feature.
Such a system creates a gap in communication within the educational system, among students, teachers, and parents. It may also cause some confusion or act as a distraction for teachers and students as it does not cover all their needs within class.
A comprehensive school management system enables school to manage student affairs, human resources management, financial management, school services, and more, all in one online platform (if you want to check some Confessions of Egyptian Teachers on their Relationship with Students, press here).
For example, Skolera – SMS allows teachers to be able to create the curriculum content, assignments, and quizzes and assign them to all classes in the same course and in one step. It also offers parents the chance to follow up on their children’s progress, the latest school activities, and announcements and receive important notifications.
Check 5 Classroom Management Strategies using Skolera.
2. Not a User Friendly System
As sophisticated as the next school management system may be, it may still not be the one if it is not user friendly. At the end of the day, heads of departments, teachers, school managers, students, and even parents will be using it constantly, or daily.
So it is necessary to be careful of the following before taking any hasty decision:
- Its interface could be complicated looking.
- It could be difficult to understand or deal with the chosen school management system.
- Its design may be bad or even unprofessional.
- It may provide a bad user experience causing them to be disappointed in the whole educational process.
3. An Inefficient System
The first thing you need to check before picking a school management system is how efficient and competent it is.
A slow, low-performance system wouldn’t be good if you are a teacher looking for ways to manage your time efficiently with an LMS through to-do lists and notifications or class schedule management, for example, only to find out later on that the system is just too slow.
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4. No Honorary Badges or Virtual Classes
One of the best features of a school management system is honorary badges and virtual classes. Regarding honorary badges offered to students, they help students have good behavior in class every day.
These badges, or any other reward system for students, save the education process from the following:
- Bad grades.
- Bad behavior and causing trouble within class or with other classmates.
- Lack of motivation.
- Not doing homework or assignments as well as lack of focus within class.
As for virtual classes, a good school management system would have virtual classes feature to allow live and online communication between students and teachers at any point.
They alleviate the pressure of students having to go to school in cases of emergency. Instead, they will be able to participate in the educational process even from home.
Moreover, virtual classes lessen the need for private lessons and they can be conducted anywhere and anytime.
5. Professional Technical Support Isn’t Included
The last thing anyone looking to buy a school management system wants is one without a technical support team for any assistance needed. Available technical support is crucial for any SMS user in case they run into a problem using it.
Choosing a system without making sure that there is technical support available at your fingertips is exactly what putting your money in the wrong hands means.
Moreover, having good technical support is a sign of a professional company; however, having a professional team of developers whose aim is to keep up to date with customers’ needs and come up with and provide cutting-edge technology—that not only helps its user but also develops them and enhances their experience—is another good sign.
An experienced professional team of developers means that this system is always having updates and integrated add-ons that will help provide a more comprehensive solution to a whole range of school and learning management needs and enhance your school’s performance and workflow as well.
6. Don’t Check Other Customers Feedback
Checking other customers comments and feedback not only clues you in on the product you are buying—its advantages and disadvantages—it also allows you to see whether the company cares about its customers and if it is customer-centric or not.
So if you want to have the wrong school management system, you must definitely not check other customers feedback.
In Forbes, Blake Morgan, a Customer Experience Futurist author, says that successful company are customer-centric and the best of the are now allowing their customers to try their products first so that they won’t be ‘pushed to buy’ them. And today, we invite you to try our free Skolera demo by pressing this link.
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