Top 5 ways to motivate students

Students lose interest and get bored rather quickly. And every teacher knows how puzzling and difficult it is to keep students motivated throughout the school year. Knowing best ways to motivate students can make all the difference between a class of frowning children and a class of engaged and enthusiastic learners.

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Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to keep every single student engaged all the time. Each student has a special key that lights up his/her eyes and enthusiasm.

There are some tips that can help, though. There are some tips and tricks that can help you motivate your students and keep them engaged throughout the class.ways to motivate students

Here are 5 ways to motivate students in the class. Be sure to share your own tips and methods in the comments below.

5 ways to motivate students

  1. Recognize Accomplishments – Both Big and Small: A small sign of recognition of any improvement or accomplishment can go a long way in encouraging a student to work harder in the future. Praise students on any positive aspects of their work or behavior and let them know that you admire their hard work.
  2. Give Them Some Control: By receiving some feedback from students regarding their preferred ways of acquiring and receiving knowledge, and by providing them with some choices regarding assignments and projects, students will feel more motivated to engage in class and in class-related work.
  3. Assign Class Jobs: Assign students to various class-related tasks. A student who loves to write, for instance, can write blog posts for the class blog. Another student who loves planning and knowing events and upcoming dates can be in charge of the class schedule. The class jobs can also be rotated throughout the year.
  4. Link Lessons to Real Life: One common complaint teachers are familiar with is that students will (allegedly) never benefit from any of the lessons. Prepare examples of how the lesson being taught is relevant to the students’ lives and how it will help them in the present and the future.ways to motivate students
  5. Track Improvement and Offer RewardsIn addition to regular verbal praise, students love rewards. Anything from a name on a Hall of Fame to a trophy will draw a smile across even the most difficult student. And knowing how well they are really doing will also help you highlight their success in a way they can truly agree with.

How Skolera Helps

Skolera provides both teachers and students with tools and features that help motivate students. A class Hall of Fame highlights outstanding students, and students can also receive virtual badges for performance. Teachers can also publish posts to the class page on Skolera, allowing them to praise students on specific achievements or announce the new round of class jobs and tasks. Teachers can also message students to praise them individually and motivate them throughout the year.

How do you motivate your students? Share your tips and ways to motivate students in the comments below.


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About Mostafa Elhashash

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